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It rained on our parade, but didn't dampen the celebration


Apple Valley has one of the best parades in the Twin Cities! While I was anxiously awaiting this as my first public debut for my campaign, Mother Nature had other plans of storms and rain. Unfortunately, the parade was canceled and the fireworks postponed to the following night.

The weather didn't stop all of the Freedom Day festivities. If you missed it, the annual fly-over for the parade still happened. The planes were gracefully circling the city in formation with smoke trails, and our police department held a mini parade driving down the route. The Apple Valley Legion was packed with people wearing red, white, and blue. For our campaign launch, a few friends and family didn't let the rain dampen our campaign spirit as we proudly wore our T-shirts and gathered for lunch!

Special shout out to the Freedom Days organizers for their great work. It's hard when you have been planning for months and need to make a tough call at the last minute to cancel. It's disappointing for all, but thank you for making our safety a priority.

Stay tuned on what we now do with 60 pounds of parade candy!

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